Love Quotes

Because capitalizing on love is what February 14th does best! Voila five quotes all about l’amour…

“I have something I need to tell you,” he says. I run my fingers along the tendons in his hands and look back at him. “I might be in love with you.” He smiles a little. “I’m waiting until I’m sure to tell you, though.”
– Veronica Roth, Divergent


“As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.”
– John Green, The Fault in Our Stars


“I am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts and I’ve led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I’ve loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough..”
– Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook (Because who does cheesy love stories better than NS? No one. That’s who.)


“You love me. Real or not real?”
I tell him, “Real.”
– Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay


“In my arms is a woman who has given me a Skywatcher’s Cloud Chart, a woman who knows all my secrets, a woman who knows just how messed up my mind is, how many pills I’m on, and yet she allows me to hold her anyway. There’s something honest about all this, and I cannot imagine any other woman lying in the middle of a frozen soccer field with me – in the middle of a snowstorm even – impossibly hoping to see a single cloud break free of a nimbostratus.”
– Matthew Quick, The Silver Linings Playbook

A Favourite Exc…


“As long as you’re alive, there’s always a chance things will get better.”

“Or worse,” said Liraz.

“Yes,” he conceded. “Usually worse.”

Hazael cut in. “My sister, Sunshine, and my brother, Light. You two should rally the ranks. You’ll have us killing ourselves by morning.”

– Days of Blood and Starlight, Laini Taylor

***66 days until Dreams of Gods & Monsters!***


A Favourite Exchange


“Nothing before you counts,” he said. “And I can’t even imagine an after.”

She shook her head. “Don’t.”


“Don’t talk about after.”

“I just meant that… I want to be the last person who ever kisses you, too…. That sounds bad, like a death threat or something. What I’m trying to say is, you’re it. This is it for me.”

– Eleanor & Park, Rainbow Rowell

Top Ten Quotes from The Princess Bride (The Book!)

The Princess Bride – a literary goldmine of awesomness brought to us by William Goldman – the man who gave the world Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid – first published in 1973 was eventually turned into a great film featuring the talents of Carey Elwes, Robin Wright, Andre the Giant, Mandy Patinkin and Christopher Guest. Many a person however fails to acknowledge the brilliance of the original source. I strive to correct that most grievous oversight. Behold ten of the best quote from The Princess Bride.

10. “Life is pain, highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.”

Life IS Pain

9. “When I was your age, television was called books.”


8. “Life isn’t fair, it’s just fairer than death, that’s all.”

Obviously this has nothing to do with the above quote. But you know, imminent death or whatever.

Obviously this has nothing to do with the above quote. But you know, imminent death or whatever.

7. “You are trying to kidnap what I have rightfully stolen, and I think it quite ungentlemanly.”


6. “Westley: Hear this now: I will always come for you.
Buttercup: But how can you be sure?
Westley: This is true love – you think this happens every day?



5. “Good night, Westley. Good work. Sleep well. I’ll most likely kill you in the morning.”

Dread Pirate Roberts y'all

Dread Pirate Roberts y’all

4. “You fell victim to one of the classic blunders. The most famous is ‘Never get involved in a land war in Asia,’ but only slightly less well known is this: ‘Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line.'”


3. “I’ve been saying it so long to you, you just wouldn’t listen. Every time you said ‘Farm Boy do this’ you thought I was answering ‘As you wish’ but that’s only because you were hearing wrong. ‘I love you’ was what it was, but you never heard.”



2. “Let’s look on the bright side: we’re having an adventure, Fezzik, and most people live and die without being as lucky as we are.”


1. “Hello,” he said. “My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”



When you are real

rabbithors“Real isn’t how you are made,’ said the Skin Horse. ‘It’s a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real.’ velveteen

‘Does it hurt?’ asked the Rabbit.

‘Sometimes,’ said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful. ‘When you are Real you don’t mind being hurt.’

Top 10 Magnus Bane Quotes

10. “I was alive when the Dead Sea was just a lake that was feeling a little poorly.”
City of Ashes  partybane

9. “Pointless, needless suffering and pain? I don’t suppose it would help if I told you that was the way life is. The good suffer, the evil flourish, and all that is mortal passes away.”
Clockwork Princess

8. “She wasn’t very pleasant the last time I saw her. Of course, that could be because I’ve got an eighteen year-old boyfriend with a stamina rune and she doesn’t.”
City of Lost Souls

7. “Let me say to you what I said once, in an entirely different context to Catherine the Great,” Magnus declared. “My dear lady, you cannot afford me, and also, please leave that horse alone. Good night.”
The Midnight Heir

I found this online - let's just bask in the amazingness of fan art.

I found this online – let’s just bask in the amazingness of fan art.

6. “Raziel’s sixty feet tall?”
“Actually, he’s only fifty-nine feet tall, but he likes to exaggerate,” said Magnus.
Isabelle clicked her tongue in annoyance. “Valentine raised an angel in his cellar. I don’t see why you need all this space—”
“Because Valentine is just WAY MORE AWESOME than me.”
City of Lost Souls

5. “Every teenager in the world feels like that, feels broken or out of place, different somehow, royalty mistakenly born into a family of peasants. The difference in your case is that it’s true.”
City of Bones

4. “Nerd love. It’s a beautiful thing, while also being an object of mockery and hilarity for those of us who are more sophisticated.”
City of Lost Souls

3. “It is always better to live the truth than to live a lie. And that lie would have kept him alone forever. He may have had nearly nothing for 5 years, but now he can have everything. A boy who looks like that…”
Clockwork Prince

2. “One can give up many things for love, but one should not give up oneself.”
Vampires, Scones and Edmund Herondale


1. “How can you not care?”
“Practice,” Magnus said, looking back to his      book and turning the page.
– Rise of the Hotel Dumort

A Favourite Exchange

“He accused me of being Dumbledore’s man through and through.” halfblood
“How very rude of him.”
“I told him I was.”

Dumbledore opened his mouth to speak and then closed it again. Fawkes the phoenix let out a low, soft, musical cry. To Harry’s intense embarrassment, he suddenly realized that Dumbledore’s bright blue eyes looked rather watery, and stared hastily at his own knee. When Dumbledore spoke, however, his voice was quite steady.

“I am very touched, Harry.”

– Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, J.K. Rowling